QNDE PE-12 Modular Post-Emulsifiable Liquid Penetrant Inspection Line – CUSTOMIZABLE

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QNDE PE-12 Modular Post-Emulsifiable Liquid Penetrant Inspection Line – CUSTOMIZABLE

Quality NDE’s standard twelve-station post-emulsifiable liquid penetrant inspection line is made of stainless steel throughout for years of hassle-free use. This line can be customized to meet any specific requirements.

Some of the options for the QNDE PE-12 include the mixing valve with temperature gauge and pressure regulator, a dynamic cloud developer upgrade kit, and an inspection table with a cantilever roof, curtains, and overhead LED light.

For more details, see our specs sheet to see the options are available.

If you’d like to have your own customized QNDE PE-12, please fill out the document at the back of the catalog and get in contact with our project specialist so we can get started on designing your perfect LPI line. Once the specifications and drawing are approved, we will fabricate, test and certify it prior to the Factory Acceptance Test and/or shipping.